Psychedelics, Medicine and Mysticism
Psychedelics, once the preserve of the hippy culture of the 1960s, are now providing a miracle cure for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression and anxiety etc. This represents a paradigm shift in psychiatry and psychotherapy and the beginnings of an age of new hope for millions. Intrinsic in psychedelic therapy, a remarkable phenomenon occurs that has far-reaching implications for us all and is now being researched the world-over. Read more...
Lowland Highcane
Ian Turvey, a sadistic killer? Really!
Girls tied to table and raped; their blood on the floor; Ian Turvey's semen at foot of the table. He fervently denies knowing how it got there or any involvement. Does he have an alibi? No he does not. Was his family at home in that period? No they were not. The trial is only two weeks away. Will lawyer Marcus Coaker take on such an impossible defence? Read more...
(Applications of Psychical Research, Clairvoyance)
Springs of Dark Water
Trust no one - not even your own family.
In fact, especially your own family
Paul Rainbird is the son of a powerful trillionaire family. When leaving the gym, he is hit by a scaffolding pole and has a Near-Death Experience. He sees a man who claims to be his father. Strange: The man he thought was his father was at breakfast that morning. Is this really possible during an NDE? If so, who was his father? How did he die? Does his mother know she got pregnant by a lover? Was this an attempt on his life?
(Near-Death Experience, Precognition)
The Trial of Poppy Moon
This could so easily happen to you
Master yachtswoman, Poppy Moon, is swept into the icy waters of the North Atlantic. Her kidneys are taken for transplant. One gets damaged, the other vanishes. But Poppy isn't dead. From an Out-of-Body Experience, she watches, unable to stop them. On regaining consciousness, she has huge abdominal infections making a transplant impossible. Either she gets her own kidneys back or she dies. Read more...
(Near-Death Experience, After Death Communication)